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Guests of Honor

Hong Kong

Ir Eric MA, GBS, JP

President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers


Hong Kong

馬紹祥工程師, GBS, JP

香港工程師學會 會長


Ir Ma is an Executive Director and the CEO of New World Development Company Limited. Before that, he was an Executive Director and the CEO of NWS Holdings Limited. Ir Ma was the Acting CEO of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited and Principal Consultant of the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation. Ir Ma was previously the Secretary for Development of the HKSAR Government, overseeing policy areas ranging from urban planning to heritage conservation and addressing the supply-demand imbalance in land and housing. He was the Executive Vice President, Civil & Infrastructure, Asia Pacific, of AECOM prior to joining the HKSAR Government. Ir Ma is a non-executive director of China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

Ir Ma is a member of the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a member of the Court of the City University of Hong Kong and Chairman of the Departmental Advisory Committee of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of the City University of Hong Kong. He is also an Honorary Professor of the School of Science and Technology of Hong Kong Metropolitan University, an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Construction and Environment of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture of The University of Hong Kong.

Ir Ma is a committee member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Shenzhen.





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